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Landscape Design for Real Estate

Curb Appeal - Virtual Reality and the Future of Real Estate

White-label Landscape Design for Contractors

You’ve just landed a great listing, but there’s one problem: it needs some serious dressing up before it can be posted to the MLS. Fortunately, the technology behind virtual reality has come a long way in recent years and today, you can use virtual reality to showcase the potential of the property's outdoor spaces and house exterior and add these computer-generated images to your property listings!

On this page, we’ll take a look at how real estate professionals are already using VR to help their clients visualize what their home could look like:

How virtual reality can be used in real estate

With the ever-rising costs of homeownership, real estate agents are looking for new ways to sell homes. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, homeowners have been spending more time than ever stuck at home and looking for ways to enjoy more of their outdoor space. One way that is gaining popularity is virtual reality. But does it really work? Here’s what you need to know about using VR in real estate. 

In recent years real estate agencies have started incorporating VR images into their marketing strategy by generating elaborate "outdoor virtual staging" based on the property's existing landscape features. These landscape designs can spark the imagination of potential buyers, allowing them to appreciate the true investment potential of the listed property. 

By allowing home shoppers to visualize the property with a landscaping makeover, they may look past less than desirable outdoor features as currently appear and instead focus their attention on what the home could become.

VR outdoor spaces can sell real property listings faster

VR outdoor spaces can be extremely useful to real estate agents because they make it much easier to show property buyers what their homes will look like once they are built. Buyers don’t have time to tour three or four different properties in person, so they rely on images to decide whether a house is right for them. 

Because VR allows potential buyers to see each property without having to leave their homes, sellers stand a better chance of closing deals at a faster rate. These custom landscape design plans can also be used as construction blueprints and passed off to a contractor of their choosing, easily bringing these designs to life!

Expected changes in real estate over the next 10 years

Virtual reality and other forms of immersive media will radically transform not only how we sell homes, but also how we decorate them. Designers will move away from creating hand-sketched drawings, instead creating digital spaces that allow potential buyers to experience the home before they’ve even seen it in person. 

VRDigs landscape design services allow us to create lifelike digital environments that can be viewed by anyone in real-time, regardless of location. Curb appeal is a concept that has existed in some form for hundreds of years – now VR will allow homeowners to craft their own custom outdoor spaces before ever setting foot on their lot.

  • How can real estate pros use landscape design to boost their listings?

    Realtors and agents can use virtual landscape design mockups to showcase what a property could look like with an outdoor space upgrade. These stunningly realistic renderings are almost indistinguishable from actual photos of the property. Using these 3D renderings as the featured photo on sites like Realtor and Zillow can help draw in online shoppers to your listing that might otherwise be scared away from viewing it. Just be sure to clearly communicate that these images show what the property COULD look like and do not represent the actual appearance of the property as it exists today.

  • Do real estate agents need to know landscape design to use our services?

    All of our designs are generated by qualified landscape professionals specializing in residential yard enhancement. We will work with you to implement any ideas you may have for upgrading the property and do our best to make your vision come to life, but you are by no means required to take the lead on designing what the new landscape will look like. Just send us some information about the property as it exists and we'll do the rest.

  • Is the cost of your landscape design services worth the investment?

    Real estate listings often receive a huge boost in traffic and inquiries by including our 3D landscape design renderings. This often translates to more opportunities to utilize your sales and presentations skills to generate more offers. It is up to each agent to decide on a property-by-property basis whether the upfront investment of having a design done is worth the commission they could earn by closing the property sale. Real estate pros should also consider the level of difficulty involved in selling an investment property that is in need of repair and how much it may help to overcome buyer hesitancy and/or objections using VR landscape designs. 

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